Table of Contents
Although NYU already a dedicated website with all the documentation to get started with the HPC cluster, here’s a set of tricks that I use to ease up the workflow by a significant amount. Even if you’re not affiliated with NYU, I believe you’d still be able to benefit from this post if your organization uses Slurm.
Getting Started
Here’s something that I recommend doing for any remote server that you’ll access frequently.
1. Passwordless SSH
If you haven’t done so yet, you should definitely add your ssh keys to the cluster to avoid typing
in your password whenever you want to login. Replace abc1234
with your NetID.
$ ssh-copy-id
$ ssh-copy-id
2. Set up SSH aliases
Keying in ssh
or ssh
is so long and so
old school when you can just get away with something like ssh greene
or ssh cims
. You should
definitely set up an alias instead. Edit ~/.ssh/config
in your favourite text editor:
Login Hacks
These are a few hacks which should greatly simplify the overhead of using the cluster.
1. Login directly into compute nodes
Often times, you wish you could directly access the compute nodes (such as linserv1
) without
having to first SSH into
. Here’s how you can use the ProxyJump
Lines 7-9 describe the login
node, and lines 3-5 describe the compute
nodes. So now whenever you
type ssh linserv1
, you will first login to cims
), and upon successful
authentication, you will automatically SSH into linserv1
. You can setup Greene in the same way.
This setup is particularly helpful because whenever you SSH into
, you are
randomly taken to one of the login nodes. Now let’s say if you had tmux
running on log-3
and you
lose connectivity. The next time you login, you might be taken into log-4
. You type tmux ls
it complains about no open sessions. You’re flabbergasted because you clearly remember running
a moment ago. Sadly, you didn’t remember the hostname.
With this setup, you can try making a habit of always logging in to one particular node, say
ssh log-3
, and now you don’t have to worry about remembering hostnames anymore.
2. Use local SSH keys
Did you ever get annoyed when you tried to use git clone
on one of the private repositories and
you suddenly notice GitHub throwing an error? You may have added your local SSH keys to GitHub to
for secure authentication but as you can imagine, GitHub does not recognise the keys from the
cluster. The way around it is to use the ForwardAgent
This way, you can forward your local SSH keys to the cluster, and GitHub (or any other service)
will receive your local keys so they’ll stop complaining anymore. Just one more step before this
works: make sure that your local keys are added to ssh-agent
. Use the following commands:
$ # check if ssh-agent has keys loaded
$ ssh-add -l
The agent has no identities.
$ # add local keys to ssh-agent
$ ssh-add
Identity added: /Users/nikhil/.ssh/id_rsa (nikhil-macbook)
$ # verify that keys have been successfully added
$ ssh-add -l
3072 SHA256:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz nikhil-macbook (RSA)
Some Slurm Aliases
If you’re using Greene on a regular basis, chances are that you will need to use a few of the SLURM
commands to check and manage your jobs. Here’s a few aliases that I created, they should be handy
for you too. Once logged into the cluster, add the following lines to ~/.bash_aliases
. Make sure
to source ~/.bashrc
every time you make a change for the aliases to take effect.
1. Common aliases
I often run an interactive job while debugging code. Here are some shortcuts that I use.
# ~/.bash_aliases
# Slurm Job Aliases
# cpu job for 6 hours
alias srunc6h='srun --mem=64GB --time=6:00:00 --pty /bin/bash'
# gpu job for 1 hour
alias srung1h='srun --gres=gpu:1 --mem=16GB --time=1:00:00 --pty /bin/bash'
2. View your job queue
These aliases help you view your job queue, albeit in a slightly improved format.
# ~/.bash_aliases
# Slurm Control Aliases
# shows status of active jobs
alias sq='squeue -u abc1234 -o "%.15i %.9N %.9T %.9M %.12L %.20V %j" -S "V"'
# run the previous command in a loop, every 1 sec
alias watchsq='watch -n 1 \
squeue -u abc1234 -o \"%.15i %.9N %.9T %.9M %.12L %.20V %j\" -S "V"'
# also shows completed jobs in the last 24 hours
alias shist='sacct -X -o "JobID%15,ExitCode,State,Reason,\
Here’s an example. The best part about sq
is that it shows the submit time, time elapsed, and time
remaining so you can clearly identify your jobs. When you want to see completed jobs as well, use
. Additional options can follow. For example, to filter jobs active between 1-10 February
2022, use shist --starttime=2022-02-01 --endtime=2022-02-10
$ sq
14878566 gv002 RUNNING 22:13 37:47 2022-02-13T03:34:31 bash
$ shist
JobID ExitCode State Reason Submit Elapsed MaxVMSize NodeList Priority JobName
--------------- -------- ---------- ---------------------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- --------------- ---------- --------------------
14878566 0:0 RUNNING None 2022-02-13T03:34:31 00:21:25 gv002 18632 bash
14879278 0:0 COMPLETED None 2022-02-13T03:50:16 00:00:00 cs008 17618
3. View output from your job
These functions let you conveniently see the outputs for a given JOBID. For some reason they only work if the job is still running, so unfortunately you can’t use them for completed jobs.
# ~/.bash_aliases
# Slurm Log Aliases
# slog <JOBID> shows location of the log file for a given job
function slog() { scontrol show job "${1}" | grep StdOut | cut -d "=" -f 2 ; }
# catslog <JOBID> is just `cat` on the file location returned by slog
function catslog() { cat $(slog "${1}") ; }
# catslog <JOBID> is just `tail -f` on the file location returned by slog
function tailslog() { tail -f -n +1 $(slog "${1}") ; }
Here are some examples. My general workflow is to use sq
followed by tailslog
$ # path to the log file for 14879246
$ slog 14879246
$ # contents of /home/abc1234/projects/sbatch/slurm-14879246.out
$ tailslog 14879278
archive boot etc home lib64 misc net proc run scratch srv sys usr vast
bin dev gpfs lib media mnt opt root sbin share state tmp var
Some Hidden Gems
Here are some gems that I discovered during the course of my SLURM usage.
seff <jobid>
: Displays CPU and Memory usage stats for the job.sattach <jobid.step>
: Attaches to the console of an existing job.
This can be used as an alternative to thetailslog()
function described above. If you don’t know thestep
for a job, try using0
. Please be aware that this doesn’t always work.sprio -u $USER
: Lists the scheduling priorities for pending jobs.
Burst Usage
For some courses, you might be alloted a specific number of GPU hours on GCP. To use these resources, you first need to login to the burst node from Greene. Next, you should check if you have access to a class account. If you do, you can specify that account to first submit a non-GPU job to setup your environment and code. When you’re comfortable, you can submit a GPU job.
1. Housekeeping
$ # Run these commands from greene
$ # SSH into the burst login node
$ ssh burst
$ # Check your associated accounts and resource quotas
$ sacctmgr show assoc user=$USER format=Account%25,GrpTRESMins%30
Account GrpTRESMins
------------------------- ------------------------------
csci-ga-2565-2022sp cpu=120000,gres/gpu=12000
$ # Check your current usage
$ sshare --user=$USER --format=Account,GrpTRESRaw%100
Account GrpTRESRaw
-------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
csci-ga-2565-2022sp cpu=110,mem=116000,energy=0,node=50,billing=110,fs/disk=0,vmem=0,pages=0,gres/gpu=1
users cpu=92,mem=69625,energy=0,node=46,billing=92,fs/disk=0,vmem=0,pages=0,gres/gpu=0
2. Compute Nodes
$ # Now, submit a job using one of these accounts
$ # This is not a GPU job and most likely should not count towards your quota
$ sbatch --account=csci-ga-2565-2022sp --partition=interactive --time=01:00:00 --wrap "sleep infinity"
Submitted batch job 74566
$ # Check the compute node where the job gets allocated
$ squeue -u $USER -O "JobID:10,Partition:15,Nodelist:10,State:15,StartTime,TimeUsed:10,TimeLeft:10,Account:25,Name"
74566 interactive b-9-90 RUNNING 2022-05-01T19:22:53 1:41 58:19 csci-ga-2565-2022sp wrap
$ # SSH into the compute node
$ ssh b-9-90
$ # Alternatively, you can also submit an interactive job instead of a batch job
$ # If you do not specify the time, the job will terminate after one hour
$ srun --account=csci-ga-2565-2022sp --partition=interactive --pty /bin/bash
3. Data Transfer
Once you have spun up a compute node, you might be looking to transfer data from Greene. Keep in mind that Greene and the Burst login node share data, however the Burst compute nodes have their own persistent storage. This means that you can access your files that are stored on Greene from the burst node, but the compute nodes cannot access that data.
$ # Run these commands from a compute node on burst
$ # Copy whatever files you need
$ scp $ /dest/path
4. GPU Nodes
You can use GPU nodes in an interactive fashion just like you spawned a compute node.
$ # Submit a GPU Job. Notice we changed the arguments --partition and --gres
$ sbatch --account=csci-ga-2565-2022sp --partition=n1s8-v100-1 --gres=gpu --time=01:00:00 --wrap "sleep infinity"
Submitted batch job 74601
$ # As before, see where this job gets allocated
$ squeue -u $USER -O "JobID:10,Partition:15,Nodelist:10,State:15,StartTime,TimeUsed:10,TimeLeft:10,Account:25,Name"
74601 n1s8-v100-1 b-3-114 RUNNING 2022-05-01T19:54:23 1:01 58:59 csci-ga-2565-2022sp wrap
$ # SSH into the compute node
$ ssh b-3-114
$ # Now run whatever job you wish to run
$ # Enjoy!
Alternatively, you can also use a script that you can submit using sbatch
#SBATCH --time=00-12:00:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --output="sbatch_logs/%A_%x.txt"
#SBATCH --account=csci-ga-2565-2022sp
#SBATCH --partition=n1s8-v100-1
#SBATCH --job-name=pretrain_both
singularity exec \
--nv --overlay /scratch/abc1234/overlay-50G-10M.ext3:ro \
/scratch/abc1234/cuda11.3.0-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu20.04.sif \
/bin/bash -c "
source /ext3/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/;
conda activate env;
cd /home/abc1234/projects/project;
python -u --batch_size 40 \
--output_dir runs/${SLURM_JOB_NAME}_${SLURM_JOB_ID};
5. Port Forwarding
If you’re running training jobs on the burst cluster, there’s a high chance you might want to use tensorboard as well. To access tensorboard on your local system, you need multiple levels of port forwarding. This is because the file system on the burst compute nodes is only accessible to the compute nodes, which in turn are accessible from the burst login node, which in turn is accessible from greene, which in turn is accessible from the NYU gateway. Yes, that’s quite a lot of layers.
First, you need to spin up a compute node on the burst cluster and run tensorboard on the node.
$ # Run this on a burst compute node
$ # Let's say the hostname is b-9-9
$ tensorboard --logdir runs
Next, open up a local terminal and set up a series of port forwards. Note that in the following
snippet I’m using the SSH alias for greene
as described in Section 1 of
this tutorial.
$ ssh -t -L 6006:localhost:6006 greene \
$ ssh -t -L 6006:localhost:6006 burst \
$ ssh -t -L 6006:localhost:6006 b-9-9
Without SSH aliases, the forwarding chain will look something like this.
$ ssh -t -L 6006:localhost:6006 \
$ ssh -t -L 6006:localhost:6006 burst \
$ ssh -t -L 6006:localhost:6006 b-9-9
1. Singularity can’t open overlay for writing
If you were actively using a Singularity with an ext3 overlay, and for some reason you didn’t exit cleanly (maybe slurm preempted your job), you may run into issues. The next time you try using Singularity, you might get this error complaining that your overlay file is still in use:
while loading overlay images: failed to open overlay image /path/to/overlay.ext3:
while locking ext3 partition from /path/to/overlay.ext3:
can't open //path/to/overlay.ext3 for writing, currently in use by another process
First, I’d check if what the error says is true.
$ ps aux | grep Singularity
If there’s an active process, use kill
to terminate it. If there’s no active process and you’re
sure that your overlay file is clean to use, you can run fsck
and clean the dirty bit. For more
info see this github issue on the
singularity repo.
$ fsck.ext3 /path/to/overlay.ext3
2. Job killed due of low GPU usage
You should only request a GPU when you need it. However, if you need a dummy script to keep the GPU busy (which I highly recommend against), have a look at this gist.
Hope this helps!